written on 15th-march-2017.
That which I fear the most has knocked on my door,
He who says” What you fear is tour weakness” is right.
What more feeling can be worse than using your very own hands to
piece through the heart you claim to love?
What else would you do{say} when the people around you get used
to hear you say “sorry?”
He who says” Your mistakes are what make you human” should judge
I do not only have mistaken but worst more.
Let he who says” Promise and fail is a sin” come see me;
I’ve made more promises than the number of air I ever breathed.
Promises most of which I couldn’t keep because I failed.
God bless he who says “A Goodman is hard to find” as I thought I
was not until recently.
What would you say about someone who has seen others make
mistakes yet follow the same path as they?
What can you say to a lover who really hasn’t done much to his
The Bible say “Take heed lest you fall” I neglected, I fell.
Upon this day, I really know the man I am and very hope this
isn’t the man I become.
I’m writing this with Paper, Pen and Tears
To show a man who’s irresponsibly irresponsible.
I pray and I’ll work hard so hard that my shoulders would people
climb upon
And no longer be the man I was.
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